Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Weight of Glory

"We are half-hearted creatures fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offer us...we are far too easily pleased." Once again this quote is just stands out so greatly to me. I think that God is laying it on my heart as a reminder that I don't need to get lost in these earthly things because something so much more powerful awaits me. It is important when we have such a big influence telling us what we need to have, and what we should want that we remember God's creation and to think big. Far too often we get caught up thinking our life is coming to an end over something that really has no meaning at all. We find our desires to be too strong, and maybe they are, but for the wrong thing. They are not too strong for God's glory, I don't think that could ever be possible.
       Another topic that was brought up in class is that we need to approach God and his amazing glory not for our own personal gain, but because we feel the power of God calling us for the greater good. We cannot approach God thinking "What am I going to get out of it?" because if we do we will not get anything. "Those who have attained everlasting life in the vision of God doubtless know very well that it is no mere bribe, but the very consummation of their earthly discipleship"
        However, even though we as faithful believers know the great things that await us we often forget the direction our desire should take "These things-the beauty, the memory of our own past- are good images of what we really deisre; but if they are mistaken for the thing itself they turn into dumb idols breaking the heart of their worshippers for they are not the thing itself they are only the scent of a flow we have not found." We have this yearning for things we don't know but we still desire them. So often we know that we desire to go to heaven, but we associate Heaven with Earthly things. We have no idea what Heaven will be like and that is suppose to be one of things that makes it most beautiful. We need to rest assured in the promise God gives us, that Heaven will be perfect.
       Another quote that Lewis puts in his essay is also one of my favorite scriptures "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." This verse makes my heart sing with anticipation. How amazing will it be at the end of our life to hear the creator tell us we have served him well. We have lived our life for him and he is proud of us. I think this is kind of the essence of "The Weight of Glory"  In part of the essay it talks of God's glory being a burden, and that can be easily misinterpreted. To me it means that God has given me the most amazing gift and I did nothing to receive, I actually have done things that should make God turn away from me, we all have. That is why it is so hard to carry because we feel this great love given to us for no reason and it is hard to understand the concept of why God would do that. It is a heavy thing to think about, but that is why it is so magnificent. No matter what you will do in your life, God will love you.


  1. I appreciate that you pointed out that we can't approach this glory thinking "what can I get out of this?"
    If you'll pardon the nerdiness of this example, I was kind of reminded of Harry Potter here. At the end of the first book, Harry looks into the mirror and the Sorcerer's Stone appears in his pocket. Harry doesn't see himself using the stone, because that's not what he wants. He just wants the stone, but not for what it can give him.
    I think this is kind of how we should approach this glory God has given/ will give us. We should want it, but not for the good things it will bring us.

  2. I really like what you said in your first paragraph. Your quote, saying "I don't need to get lost in these earthly things because something so much more powerful awaits me" is so great! The rewards that God are going to give to us in Heaven will be so amazing! I also like I how explain that we think our desires are too strong, but in reality they aren't according to Gods glory.

  3. What you said about heaven is so true. I remember thinking as a kid that heaven would be full of mountains made of ice cream and things like that. That sounds utterly ridiculous to us now but I think that we still can do the same thing in our young adult and adult life thinking of heaven in terms of what makes us happy in this world. God our love for God and His love for us will be so much more satisfying than ice cream!

  4. Nicely done tying in the bible verse. What you've talked about is one of the biggest struggles in my christian life. Am I just in it for salvation? Salvation should be a gift from God for our faith, not the reason for our faith. Sometimes I think that salvation is what grounds my faith and not God's love for me. I think we all have to make sure we're taking our faith the right way.
