Thursday, January 20, 2011

Plantinga :Chapter 5

Plantinga talks about the Kingdom of God in this chapter. When reading this like when I was reading "Learning in War Time" I was thinking about how easily we loose sign of God's kingdom. We get too caught up in the things of this world that we forget about eternity. I think that because our world teaches us to be concerned about ourselves and the things we can to get to gratify ourselves in a short amount of time. No one wants to focus on eternity because it will not make them happy right now.

However, we need to remember that in everything we do we are to be stewards for God. Plantinga explains that we are called by his will. It is not always what we want to follow but it what we are called to do. I chose to be a nursing major, but that is because I felt a very strong call to do so. I have worked for two years as a CNA taking care of the elderly, and that is one of the greatest joys God has brought to my life. I think that God has seen a place where I can glorify him while seeking my vocation. I benefit spiritually from being able to help others, and being a missionary to them at the same time.


  1. I think its true that we tend not to look at the future because it can make us less happy now when we consider some of the consequences of our decisions. However, I also think its important not to live in the future because we have no control of the future. We need to be aware of the consequences of our actions but also be living in the present and not worrying about the future, but trusting that God will provide.

  2. That is an interesting thought. I had not seen it that way. We do like to focus on the past and present a lot though. It makes me think of how much people tell stories of their good times from their past. We also tend to brag about whats going on with us in the present whether it be that we got something new for our birthday or something bigger like winning the lottery. No matter what it is, you bring up a good point in saying we often do not want to look to the future. Why look to the future when you can brag about the present. Great post!

  3. We really get caught up on the earthly pleasures. As C.S. Lewis mentioned in a previous article, we are too easily pleased. While we are pleased with all that earthly things, we forget that there is something better than that in Heaven.

  4. You are correct in pointing out that our world teaches us to be concerned with certain objects or ways of life..instead of God. We rarely think about it, but our society, the media, and even our peers influence our decisions to place things of this world above God.
